Help Support Those in Need

A black and white drawing of a horse standing on its hind legs.

Learn more about the recipients of our fundraiser concert in San Angelo, TX

Want to learn more about the inspiring individuals who will benefit from our fundraiser concert in San Angelo, TX? The Western Roundup is excited to share their stories and highlight the courage and strength of those fighting for their health.

We're proud to be able to assist recipients like...

  • Carlie Jo Johnson (19): Diagnosed with aggressive B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in April 2024, Carlie Jo was nearing remission when the leukemia returned in Jan. 2025. Despite this setback, she remains determined to pursue a pre-nursing program at Texas Tech. She has partnered with The Earl Young's Team and DKMS to help find bone marrow donors, and over 6,000 people have joined the registry under her name. Carlie Jo is receiving treatment at UT Southwestern in Dallas and must stay there during her treatment. She's a graduate of Central High School.

  • Konnor Barnes (21): Diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma in July 2024, Konnor underwent surgery to remove a tumor and is currently completing 14 rounds of chemotherapy, with 10 completed so far. Afterward, he will undergo six weeks of radiation at MD Anderson in Houston. Konnor is a graduate of Veribest High School.

  • Mallary Campos (35): Diagnosed with stage 2B breast cancer in Aug. 2024, Mallary has two months left of chemotherapy and will undergo a double mastectomy in April 2024. She will continue immunotherapy infusions for one year and possibly radiation. Mallary is married and has four children (ages 17, 14, 3 and 6 months).

  • Robert Lasater (62): Diagnosed with renal carcinoma and metastasis to the spine in DEc. 2024, Robert is undergoing immunosystemic therapy every three weeks. He will be re-evaluated in March for further treatments or surgeries. Robert has three married children and five grandchildren. He enjoys camping, fishing and boating.

  • Ray Cook (76): Diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma in Oct. 2022, Ray had his right kidney removed. In May 2024, scans showed the cancer had metastasized to stage 4. He is undergoing oral chemotherapy. Ray has been married for 26 years and has one daughter, two stepsons, one stepdaughter and five grandchildren.

Come to our concert on May 10 to support these incredible individuals in their fight!

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